FAVA congratulate Japan Veterinary Medical Association (JVMA) on the success of 2ndWVA-WMA Global Conference on One Health (2ndGCOH), 10-11 November, 2016, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan

The 2nd  WVA-WMA Global Conference on One Health
(2nd GCOH)  aimed to bring together Veterinarians, Physicians, Students, Public Health officers, Animal Health Officers, NGOs and other interested parties from different world regions to learn, discuss and address critical aspects of the  “ One Health Concept” in theme of  “Moving forward from One Health Concept to One Health Approach, on the collaboration of WVA and WMA, hosted by the actively collaboration of  JVMA and JMA. The main conference sessions focused  on the issue of ‘Zoonotic and Foodborne diseases,’ ‘Antimicrobial  resistance ’and ‘The Future of the One Health Concept.’

The conference was held during  10-11 November, 2016  at  Rihga Royal Hotel Kokura, Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan.  FAVA Secretary General and 10 FAVA member representatives have been the honorable invited guests in this conference.   This conference has been the model on the one health approaches among the public health concern professionals.

FAVA would like to Congratulate Dr. Isao Kurauchi, President of JVMA on his great effort and contributions to the veterinary profession regionally and globally.

Gratutude letter to JVMA

Japan Veterinary Medical Association

Certificate of Attendance