Entries by Wisa

FAVA in 33rd WVC 2017, 27th -30th August, 2017, Incheon Korea

    FAVA has attended WVA’s activities, WVA council meeting, WVA GA meeting.   FAVA has created a friendly platform for not only our country members but also  globally.  We truly recognized the numerous efforts and well organized  of the host association, the Korean Veterinary Medical Association, KVMA. Who had conducted the great success of 33rd WVC  2017, 27th – […]

One Health Educational Workshop

  Introduction: Education in conservation medicine or one health in Asia is still not perfect, and its significance has sometimes been ignored, which needs to be addressed. This annual meeting of ASCM will feature a pre-congress workshop with international specialists as an introduction to the local participants. The expected audience will be mainly the zoology […]

AVSBN 2017

  FAVA collaborated with Faculty of Veterinary Science, Chulalongkorn University  and Veterinary Council of Thailand cooperated with The Associations of Thai Veterinary Professional and International Organizations  hosting  the Workshop on ASEAN Veterinary Statutory Body Network’s Strategic Plan 2018-2020  (AVSBN 2017)     The Workshop on ASEAN Veterinary Statutory Body Network’s Strategic Plan 2018-2020 (AVSBN 2017) […]

International Buffalo Symposium 2017

The Agriculture and Forestry University (AFU) is a newly established national University of Nepal. It was established in 2010 with the motto of overall development of agriculture, livestock and forestry through quality teaching, research and extension. The mission of AFU is to produce internationally competent human resource to promote education, research and development in agriculture, […]