World Veterinary Congress -Poster abstract submissions closing soon!
/0 Comments/in Congress, Year 2020 /by Wisa
To the Federation of Asian Veterinary Association (FAVA), encourage your members to submit their poster abstracts now!
The 36th World Veterinary Association Congress is the perfect opportunity for your members to:
· Showcase research or interesting clinical case on a global stage
· Open doors for future collaboration
· Contribute to an international congress
· Network with peers from around the world
Posters across all veterinary disciplines will be displayed and presented in the exhibition hall during the 36th World Veterinary Association Congress.
Encourage your members to submit their poster abstract now!
Award categories:
· Best clinical case poster
· Best scientific research poster
Abstract submission deadline
5 pm Tuesday 1 October 2019
World Veterinary Association Congress (WVAC2019)
/0 Comments/in Congress /by Wisa
The WVAC2019 is a great opportunity to visit Costa Rica. This country is a small beautiful piece of paradise located in Central America. It is one of the very few countries in the world without an army. With just 51,000 km2, it houses 5% of the world’s biodiversity – a great example on how “life connects all”. Imagine driving from a cloudy rainforest down to an exotic luscious tropical beach within a few hours. Volcanoes, lakes, rivers, mangroves, beaches, cloud forests, rainforests, and diving sites all nearby. Ticos, as Costa Ricans are commonly called, are known to be very warm, very pura vida!! Everyone visiting the WVAC2019 will feel right at home in Costa Rica.
/0 Comments/in Congress, Year 2018 /by WisaWSAVA – FASAVA 2018
25 – 28 September 2018
Marina Bay Sands, Singapore
We are planning an unforgettable experience of learning and exploring, with the most up to date topics and highly qualified speakers. Relevant topics that would be very useful to apply in our clinical scenarios are carefully chosen.
Submit your abstract and present your work at WSAVA/FASAVA 2018!
Abstract Submission Deadline: 27 February 2018
Join us in tropical Singapore, where you will get to excite your sensations of sights, smells and taste in our “little urban garden”.
20th FAVA Congress International Veterinary Scientific Conference
/0 Comments/in Congress /by Wisa20th FAVA Congress International Veterinary Scientific Conference at Nusa Dua Bali – Indonesia

WVA Declaration of Incheon on the Role of the Veterinary Profession in One Health and EcoHealth Initiatives.
/0 Comments/in Congress /by WisaWVA Declaration of Incheon on the Role of the Veterinary Profession in One Health and EcoHealth Initiatives.
One of the World Veterinary Congress 2017 outcomes is the VETERINARY VISION 2050 Declaration to emphasize the professional and societal roles of veterinarians in One Health networks to overcome current and future challenges.
The Veterinary Vision 2050 was prepared by the Vet-Vision 2050 Committee and adopted in December 2017 by the WVA Council as the WVA Declaration of Incheon on the Role of the Veterinary Profession in One Health and EcoHealth Initiatives.
FAVA Congress 2018
/0 Comments/in Congress, Year 2018 /by Wisa