Launch of the 2018 OIE Photo Competition
The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) today launches its fourth annual photo competition on the dedicated website:
Paris, 1 February 2018 – The OIE will be holding its annual photo competition from 1 February to 15 April 2018.
The Organisation has given prominence to its major mission of improving animal health and welfare in the photo competition, whose aim is to visually and creatively show the crucial importance of the work done to protect animal health and welfare worldwide through the implementation of OIE International Standards. The competition also seeks to highlight the crucial link between animal health and welfare as well as the significance of these latter elements to face the challenges of the future, and preserve human health and ecosystems.
The winning photos of the 2018 OIE PHOTO COMPETITION will therefore be those that best illustrate, both from an artistic and a descriptive point of view, the work carried out by animal health and welfare players. The jury will especially consider photos depicting the work of public and private Veterinary services in protecting animal health and promoting animal welfare worldwide in the context of the OIE Standards’ implementation, thus ensuring public health.
Photos should highlight the human/animal interactions that typify the activities of animal health and welfare professionals under the following themes:
1. Animal disease surveillance, prevention and control. Photos could depict surveillance activities, vaccination campaigns, prophylaxis, and diagnostic tests, including interaction between wildlife (birds, rodents, etc), environment and livestock.
2. Animal welfare. Photos could illustrate transport of animals, stray dog management, working animals, and other topics addressed in the OIE welfare standards’ chapters.
3. Animal production systems. Photos could demonstrate familial, extensive or intensive farming systems, as well as transhumance, pastoralism systems, etc, with when possible a special spotlight on sustainable practices.
4. Aquatic animal health and production systems. Photos could show farmed fishing systems,amphibians, crustaceans, farmed fish, molluscs and their products.
5. One Health. Photos could depict the essential link between human and animal health and the ecosystem in which they co-exist.
6. Veterinary education. Photos could illustrate young students in practice/ training, veterinary education establishments and facilities etc.
1) OIE Global Network
Each prize winner will receive the sum of €1,000.
A winner will be chosen from each region in the OIE Global Network:
- Africa Prize
- Americas Prize
- Asia and Pacific Prize
- Europe Prize
- Middle East Prize
2) Veterinary StudentsEach prize winner will receive the sum of €500.A winner will be chosen from the entries submitted by all veterinary students from each OIE region:
- Africa Prize
- Americas Prize
- Asia and Pacific Prize
- Europe Prize
- Middle East Prize
Dr Monique ÉLOIT
OIE Director General

Dr Botlhe Michael MODISANE
President of the OIE World Assembly of Delegates
Veterinarian and press photographer
The selection process will be held under strict conditions of anonymity. The decision made by the jury will be final.
Are you at least 18 years of age, part of the OIE network OR a student above 18 years of age studying in a faculty of veterinary medicine? If so, you can enter – just follow these steps:
- Select between one and five photos on the above theme;
- Download and read the rules on the dedicated photo competition web site
- Fill in the entry form online, ensuring to complete all the fields and accept the conditions contained in the rules of the photo competition;
- Upload and submit your photos (no more than five), on the photo competition website, noting the caption for each photo by 15 April 2018, noon (Paris time);
- Make sure that you receive a confirmation email acknowledging receipt of your application.
The results will be announced on the photo competition website on 16 May 2018. Winners will be notified in advance by email.
Complimentary cheques will be awarded during the Opening Ceremony of the 86th OIE General Session on Sunday, 20 May 2018.
For further information, contact the OIE Communication Unit at
The following are considered to be members of the OIE network and eligible to enter the 2018 OIE Photo Competition:
- National Delegates of an OIE Member Country;
- National Focal Points of an OIE Member Country;
- Employees of the Veterinary Services of an OIE Member Country;
- OIE experts;
- Employees of an OIE Reference Laboratory or Collaborating Centre;
- Employees of an OIE partner organisation. See list here.
The following are the requirements for students to be eligible to enter the 2018 OIE Photo Competition:
- over 18 years;
- Full-time veterinary students who are enrolled in any of the faculties of veterinary medicine of an OIE Member Country during the 2017-2018 academic year.
Click on the image to find out the technical requirements
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