The 19th FAVA Congress 7-9 Sep 2016

We are very pleased to introduce the proceedings of the 19th Federation of Asian Veterinary Associations
(FAVA) Congress. Competent scientists and valuable participants from 20 countries have contributed to the
success of the conference.

A total of 106 scientific papers will be presented which strongly support for the theme of the congress
“The Collaboration of Asian Veterinarians in the One-Health Concept”. The congress will start with the
keynote lectures that cover all 8 fields such as “One health and the veterinary profession – issues and
challenges”, “The dynamics of the swine immune response against PRRSV”, “Between bovine milk
production and reproduction: the challenge”, “Phytogenics: a valid strategy to reduce gut stressors”,
“Mechanistic understanding of heat stress response in poultry”, “Production animal welfare in Asia”,
“Minimal invasive surgery in small animals”, “Lung inflammation and novel nanomedicines”, “Development
of Streptococcosis vaccine for tilapia farms”. These lectures will be offered by leading scientists from the
USA, Australia, France, Belgium, Canada and Thailand. Many interesting topics will be discussed during
the oral section relating to swine, poultry, ruminant, companion animal, aquaculture, nutrition, One Health
and veterinary education. Other attractive activities, including visiting poster section, exhibition area or
participating in the symposiums, will also complete your trip to the congress.

We would like to record our appreciation to all invited speakers. Without their support, the conference could
not have been successful. We also acknowledge the authors as well as all reviewers. Their efforts made a
great contribution to the excellent accomplishment of the proceeding. In the proceedings of FAVA 2016, we
are happy to present to all of you the full-text papers of the most updated research and reviews relating to
animal husbandry and veterinary medicine with respect to human health and environment.

The Organizing Committee of the FAVA 2016 has devoted its best effort to prepare one of the most meaningful
and enjoyable congresses. We hope that FAVA 2016 will contribute significantly to the development of
animal production or animal protection not only in Asia but also all over the world.


38th FAVA council meeting 2016

23rd May, 2016

To : FAVA Member Associations;
(Australian Veterinary Association, Afghanistan Veterinary Association, Bangladesh Veterinary Association, Federation of Veterinary Association Pakistan, Hong Kong Veterinary Association., Indian Veterinary Association, Indonesian Veterinary Medical Association, Japan Veterinary Medical Association, Korean Veterinary Medical Association, Mongolian Veterinary Association, Myanmar Veterinary Medical Association, Nepal Veterinary Association, New Zealand Veterinary Association, Philippines Veterinary Medical Association, Singapore Veterinary Association, Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Thai Veterinary Medical Association under Royal Patronage, Veterinary Association Malaysia, Vietnam Veterinary Association) and Associated member, Asian Society of Conservation Medicine(ACCM)

Re: The 38th FAVA Council meeting 2016
It is a great pleasure for FAVA to invite the FAVA council representatives on attending the 38th FAVA Council meeting 2016 hosted by Vietnam Veterinary Association, VVA, which will be held on the 5th -6th September, 2016, in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

We sincerely hope that you will accept our invitation and be able to participate actively in the forthcoming FAVA council meeting (see the attached agenda) and 19th FAVA Congress 2016. Further information and accommodation, kindly contact; Dr. Tan Dai Vo, Representative of VVA, email: and FAVA secretariat, email:
Thanks in advance and see you soon in Vietnam this September.

Sincerely yours,
Dr. Achariya Sailasuta
Secretary General, FAVA

FAVA Congress 2013 for WVA news & FAVA web

17th FAVA congress, 4-7 January, 2013, Taipei, Taiwan
The 17th FAVA Congress was hosted by Taiwan Veterinary Medical Association, TwVMA and chaired by Dr. Johnson Chiang, President of FAVA FAVA. By this occasion, FAVA would like to express our sincerest gratitude to Dr.Kuo Chou Che, President of Taiwan Veterinary Medical Association and his staff who have made the congress successfully. The Congress was held during 4th – 7th January, 2013, at the Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan. The congress was proceeded with 475 participants including, local: 267 and International: 208. The number of scientific papers were 145 which were divided into; Oral: 29, Poster: 82, Student’s Poster Competition: 34. The scientific sessions were memorial lecture tribute to Dr. James Micheal G. Cheng, Award Lecture, Alternative (Veterinary Medicine), Animal Welfare, Animal Behavior, Food Animal Medicine, Swine, Poultry, Ruminant, Diagnostic Imaging, Exotics and Wildlife animal, Companion Animal, Nutrition, Internal Medicine Oncology, Ophthalmology, Orthopedic Surgery, Parasitology, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Reproduction, Surgery, Veterinary Practice Management, Veterinary Education.

The congress also hosted many executive meetings of the international organization which were the World Veterinary Congress Ex-com and Council meeting during 5th -7th January, 2013, 34th FAVA Council meeting on 5th January 2013 and AOVG Group meeting on 6th January, 2013.

The 17th FAVA congress was such a memorable one of the FAVA Congress ever, We are looking forward to welcome you again in 18th FAVA Congress in Singapore.

Dr. Achariya Sailasuta, FAVA Secretary General

Memorial lecture tribute to Dr. James Micheal G. Cheng in the opening ceremony of the 17th FAVA Congress, 5.00 p.m., 4th January, 2013 Taipei, Taiwan

Chair of the session, Dr. Achariya Sailasuta, Secretary General of FAVA

Ministry of Agriculture, Taiwan , President of WVA, President of FAVA and Chair of 17th FAVA Congress, Representative of OIE, President of Taiwan Veterinary Medical Association, President of Philippines Veterinary Medical Association, President of FAVA members and representatives, Invited speakers, Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen.

It gives me a great pleasure to be here among the Asian veterinarians. On behalf of FAVA, I would like to congratulateTaiwan Veterinary Medical Association on hosting the 17th FAVA Congress in a wonderful city in Asia, Taipei. We are grateful for FAVA commitment to pursue excellent and professionalism in Veterinary Medicine since 1978. Over 35 years, FAVA has gained the recognition and respect of veterinary profession of the world. It is hoped that an organisation will not wither. it’s fate is now in the hand of Asian and Oceanian Veterinarians.

Last February 2011, we have had a successfully accomplished the 16th FAVA Congress in Cebu, Philippines.which was leaded by Late FAVA President, Dr. James Micheal G. Cheng. He passed away on 26 th of February 2011, after the congress finished 2 weeks, during his FAVA Presidency Term. His effort has been proven as an inspiration for all of us on walking hand in hand along the straight and righteous path toward the progress of veterinary profession in Asia.

In this auspicious occasion, FAVA would like to express our sincerest gratitude to the Philippines Veterinary Medical Association on presiding over the memorial lecture tribute to our late FAVA president, Dr. James Micheal G. Cheng in the topic of

” Endoscopic examination for the presence of gastric ulcers in Thoroughbred race horse in the Philippines” by Prof. Dr. Eduardo B. Torres, President Elected of Philippines Veterinary Medical Association and Professor in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Philippines, Los Banos, Philippines.

After the lecture finished, Dr. Johnson Chiang, President of FAVA presented the FAVA’s token to Prof. dr. Eduardo B. Torres.

VIV Asia 2013

Report from FAVA-VIV ASIA 2013 SEMINAR
“Holistic Approaches to Livestock Industry in ASEAN Chapter”
March 13, 2013, 1.00-4.00 PM
Room GH 203, BITEC Convention Center, Bangkok, Thailand

1.00-1.20 pm Opening Remarks
Dr. Johnson Chiang, President of FAVA
Mr. Gerard Leeuwenburgh, Managing Director VNU Exhibitions Asia Pacific Co., Ltd.
1.30-3.30 pm “Holistic Approaches to Livestock Industry in ASEAN Chapter”


Mr.Phanpob Plangprayoon Director of ASEAN division III, Department of ASEAN Affair , Ministry of Foreign affairs, Thailand
Dr. Tritsadee Chaosuancharoen Director General of Department of Livestock Development (DLD), Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operative, Thailand
Dr. Wantanee Kalpravidh Regional Co-ordinator, Emergency Center
for Transboundary Animal Diseases, Food and Agriculture of the
United Nations (FAO)
Dr. Ronello C. Abila Sub-Regional Representative for South East Asia,
World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
Dr. Theresa Boyle Assistant Regional Manager, U.S. Department of
Agriculture (USDA), Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Achariya Sailasuta, Secretary General of FAVA, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
3.30-4.00 pm Discussion and Conclusion
4.00 pm Closing

Seminar Purpose As FAVA’s mission is to enhance the quality of life of the people in the region through responsible animal care and welfare through unified professional associations. We achieve this through cooperation among FAVA members promoting disease control, veterinary education, strengthening the regional network, and connecting to other worldwide veterinary networks in development of the veterinary profession. The FAVA strategic plans for 2010-2015, has been implemented since 2011 in Cebu, Phillippines. Which is to set up strong networks and relationships with various international organizations to improve human and animal health and welfare. In 2015 , ASEAN become one community, that we should be readiness for the change many aspects. This diversity is also reflected in the consumption and production trends in livestock products. This is in the view of trade preventing diseases in the region and health concerns resulting from zoonosis, food borne diseases and for enhancing food safety and food security.
In order to promote collaboration and knowledge exchange among national and international agencies and to discover the ways of addressing future challenge in AEC. FAVA and the international organizations in conjunction with VNU Exhibition Asia Pacific, organized a half day seminar on Holistic Approaches to Livestock Industry in ASEAN Chapter to create a regional network in AEC and FAVA members and also introduce a better understanding for livestock stakeholders. The seminar was successfully done

Hosted by Federation of Asian Veterinary Associations, FAVA, VNU Exhibitions Asia Pacific Co.,Ltd

Time and venue Wednesday 13th March, 2013, at 1.00- 4.00 p.m. in the VIV Asia 2013, BITEC Convention Center, Bangna, Bangkok, Thailand.

Language English and Thai

Participants International and local participants from ASEAN countries and others, comprising stakeholders from government, national and international, private sectors and regional and global networks about 100 persons;

FAVA Executive committees
1. Dr. Johnson Chiang President of FAVA Taiwan (TwVMA)
2. Dr. Bambang Pontjo Priosoeryanto Auditor Indonesia (IVMA)
3. Dr.Achariya Sailasuta Secretary General Thailand (TWMA)

FAVA Members
1. Dr. Vincent Ng In Hooi Malaysia (VAM)
2. Dr. Ashesh Bhattarai Nepal (NVA)
3. Dr. Prerana Shedhain Bhattarai Nepal (NVA)
Representatives from ASEAN Veterinary School
1. Dr. Eva Harlina Indonesia
2. Prof. Hj. Romsiah Sidik Indonesia
3. Dr. Nguyen Thi Lan Vietnam
4. Trinh Dinh Thau Vietnam
5. Dr. Venn Vutey Cambodia
6. Prof. Dr. MEAS Sothy Cambodia
7. Prof. Dr. M.M. Noordin Malaysia
8. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gurmeet Kaur Dhaliwal Malaysia
9. Prof. Dr. Tin Ngwe Myanmar
10.Prof. Dr. Mar Mar Win Myanmar
11.Assoc. Prof. Fongsamouth Soutthammavong Laos PDR
12.Dr. Vannaphone Putthana Laos PDR

Thai guests
1. Prof. Dr. Mongkol Techakumphu Dean of Faculty of Veterinary Science, Chulalongkorn University
2. Assoc. Prof. Usa Chethanond Director of Faculty of Veterinary Science (Establishment Project),
Prince of Songkla University
3. Colonel Roengchai Kanchanarom Deputy Director-General, Veterinary & Remount Department, RTA
4. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Boonmee Sunyasootcharee Faculty of Veterinary Science,
Chulalongkorn University
5. Dr. Vivat Chavananikul Faculty of Veterinary Science,
Chulalongkorn University
6. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aranya Ponpornpisit Faculty of Veterinary Science,
Chulalongkorn University

VIV Asia 2015 Seminar

FAVA – VIV Asia 2015 Seminar

” Food Safety Strategy : Antimicrobial Resistance in ASEAN Livestock (AMRAL) ”

March 12th 2015

Online VIV Registration at ( no Registration Fee)

7th Asian Meeting on Zoo and Wildlife Medicine Conversation

FAVA collaboration with Asian Society of Conservation Medicine (ASCM), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA),hosted the Pre-Congress on One Health, on 14 October 2014 at VNUA and participating the 7th ASCM meeting on 15-18 October, 2014 at Tamdao National Park and Halong Bay Hanoi, Vietnam.

Dr. Achariya Sailasuta, FAVA Secretary General, on behalf of FAVA would like to express our sincerest gratitude to the executive commitee, Prof T. Yanai and Prof. J. Kimura and ACCM, the Dean, Prof. Dr. Trinh Dinh Thau and Chair of the local organizing commitee, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, VNUA, the bear rescue center, Tamdao National park , the president of Vietnam Veterinary Association, Prof. Dr. Dau Ngoc Hao and all the collaborators for your kind contribution to the zoo-wildlife and ecology and warm hospitality in the meeting, Tamdao National Park and Halong bay, during 14-18 October 2014, in Hanoi. The meeting has successfully delighted to all the veterinarians , the vet students and other related field focusing on the conservation medicine and one health in Asia-pacific.
Congratulation for the success and continue our networking and see you again in Yangon Zoo, Myanmar 2015.


International Symposium Global

First Announcement
International Symposium:
Global approach to control of diseases and improvement of productivity in dairy cattle through the recent advance in nutritional, metabolic, immunological and genetic studies
13-14 February 2015
ANA Hotel Okayama, Okayama, Japan

World Rabies Day update Me and my dog

World Rabies Day is on September 28 – please help us spread the word that vaccinating dogs against rabies saves lives.

Join our Me and my dog campaign by sharing a photo of you and your dog on, or via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using #TogetherAgainstRabies.

And see everyone else who’s joined us here.

We’ve got new resources to help you plan your World Rabies Day activities – we hope you’ll share your event with us – let’s stand #TogetherAgainstRabies!