
2nd FAVA-WAP online course on advanced animal welfare

Dear FAVA colleagues,

Kindly find the information on the announcement of the 2nd FAVA-WAP online course on advanced animal welfare, with the special promotion for 3 most active students.

FAVA& WAP look forward to welcome our member participating this course this coming September.

Best Regards,
Achariya Sailasuta
FAVA, Secretary General


FAVA collaborate with Vetstream

FAVA collaborate with Vetstream contributing the on-line clinical reference for the Vet Schools in ASEAN
– Vetstream clinical reference

Vetstream Clinical references are online veterinary clinical reference sources, available to veterinary staff via quarterly or annual subscription and accessible from any internet-enabled device.

Dr. G Mark Johnston, Managing Director of Vetstream Co. Ltd visited Dr. Achariya Sailasuta, FAVA Secretary General at the Faculty’s library and Information cente, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Chulalongkorn University on 14 May, 2015.

Vetstream collaborating with FAVA contributed the online Clinical reference for teaching the veterinary students in ASEAN countries for one year; Thailand; Faculty of Veterinary Science, Chulalongkorn University and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Chiangmai University, Cambodia and Vietnam.


WSAVA congress 2015, 15-18 May 2015, Bangkok, Thailand

FAVA participated WSAVA congress 2015, 15-18 May 2015, Bangkok, Thailand

FAVA exective committee, Dr. Shane Ryan, President of FAVA and Vice President of WSAVA ; Dr. Johnson Chiang, Immediate Past President of FAVA and President elected of WVA, Dr. Achariya Sailasuta , Secretary General of FAVA and Dr. Juhyung Hur, KVMA representative and Councilor for Asia and Oceania of WVA participated the WSAVA 2015 in Bangkok. The conference has a successful one in Asia.


OIE meeting, Hanoi

Dr. Achariya Sailasuta, FAVA Secretary General attended the 4th OIE Sub-Regional Workshop for Veterinary Educational Establishments and Veterinary Statutory Bodies in Hanoi, Vietnam, 8-10 December 2014.



FAVA would like to express our heartfelt regards to Nepal Veterinary Association, NVA and Nepal people for the earthquake disaster 2015, Hopefully will be recovered soon.

FAVA Congratulation to the 1st Asian Veterinarian

FAVA congratulate to the 1st Asian Veterinarian, receiving WSAVA-Henry Schein Cares International Veterinary Community Service Award 2015

Dr. Nantarika Chansue, a noted turtle and tortoise veterinarian in Thailand, is the recipient of the third annual Henry Schein Cares International Veterinary Community Service Award. The award was presented at the recent Gala Dinner of the 2015 World Small Animal Veterinary Association World Congress (WSAVA 2015), held in Bangkok, Thailand. Dr. Nigel Nichols, Vice President, International Animal Health Group – APAC Region, Henry Schein, presented the award to Dr. Chansue.